Gláucia Murta

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf


Universitätsstraße 1

Gebäude: 25.32

Etage/Raum: 03.50

40225 Düsseldorf – Germany

I am a Principal Investigator in the cluster of excellence Matter and Light for Quantum Computing - ML4Q and I work at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (working in Dagmar Bruß’s group) and . Before that, I worked as postdoc researcher at QuTech-TUDelft in the Netherlands. I obtained my PhD from Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil. During my PhD I had a research stay abroad at the Quantum Information Center in Gdańsk (KCIK) in Poland.

My research is focused on understanding how the properties of quantum systems can be used to design new and better protocols for cryptographic tasks. In particular, I am interested in exploring quantum nonlocality to design device-independent protocols.